Casa Comum

About us

Civil society united to rebuild Brazil

The Casa Comum is a space for working, meeting, training, exchanging and building agreements for civil society, forming a permanent laboratory of democratic practices in Brasília. It is a hybrid platform (face-to-face and digital) to strengthening the work of civil society and acting at the interface with the State and the Federal Government of Brazil

The project is headed by three organizations: Advocacy Hub, Instituto Afrolatinas and Instituto Procomum. It has seed funding from the Open Society Foundation. The CC, as we also call it, has high-quality infrastructure, guaranteeing the welcome, safety and well-being of its visitors. Its headquarters has collective workspaces and a collaborative program.

The existence of this network space meets a demand from civil society organizations that do not have their own headquarters in the federal capital and which, as a result, often act precariously. The CC is not just a space, however, but above all a coalition of progressive forces and an environment for sharing dreams, resources and powers aimed at mutual strengthening.  

The four major challenges of our common home:


Strengthening advocacy capacity civil society, with autonomy before the government, but also by expanding its capacity to cooperation with the ongoing national reconstruction project. We believe that strengthening democracy and improving citizens' living conditions are not only the responsibility of the state, but also of civil society in conjunction with public agents.


Qualifying the public debate in relation to national problems, producing reflection, formulation, critical elaboration and evaluation the direction of the government and the country. This will be done through networked, face-to-face and digital actionsstimulating a dynamic of joy, encounter and communion that contributes to democratic vitality. Encouraging the creative formulation of solutions is the keynote of Casa Comum.


Promote the training of activists and public officials through courses, workshops and events so that they are able to take on executive, formulation and monitoring tasks in civil society and at the interface between state and society. We want to encourage the formation of forums for political co-production between public agents and activists to tackle common challenges.


Taking care of civil society actors (those who work with advocacy, those who have been elected or those who have chosen to contribute directly to the public management)contributing to the qualification of interlocution between its projects and society in order to strengthen its initiatives against a backdrop of fragility on the part of public authorities. The house's commitment to gender and racial diversity is absolute. 

We want to promote solidarity-based programming, based on five dimensions: A) daily interaction; B) creative collaboration; C) transparent communication; D) knowledge formation and sharing; and E) the creation of new communities of practice or the strengthening of existing ones, guaranteeing interaction between them.

Nossa atuação em 5 eixos:


Espaço de trabalho

We offer a functional, shared, accessible structure, with the face of civil society, for social agents to carry out their work, whether in individual positions, small groups or face-to-face or remote meetings.



Keep an eye on our schedule of events, the purpose of which is to bring people together. Community members will be able to promote their own activities in our space.


Apoio à incidência

Sobreviver em Brasília não é fácil! Por isso, temos elaborado uma série de serviços de apoio às pessoas e organizações, para que elas possam realizar com maior efetividade suas ações de incidência e/ou advocacy.



We will be holding free courses and training workshops, lectures and discussion groups, with the aim of raising the quality of public debate and contributing to the development of lasting solutions to contemporary problems.



Quem cuida de quem cuida? Essa pergunta rege o trabalho de cuidado que desenvolvemos na Casa Comum, com foco na promoção da saúde integral dos membros de sua comunidade. A política atual é extremamente violenta, e demanda de nós respeito adicional ao corpo, à mente e ao espírito.